Monday, August 6, 2012

Fast Cars and Seminary?

I took this picture by our Fuller Seminary Northern California Menlo Park Campus. I have no idea who's car that is but I am pretty sure its not one of our students! Talking with out Student Services Coordinator in Sacramento the other day, I recalled while in Bible College the Dean of Students thought our dorm building needed some artwork. They had come across a picture of a huge mansion at the top of a long driveway that had a long row of open garage doors. Each garage door had its own sports car or expensive SUV. The caption at the bottom simply read: "Justification for Higher Education".

In a building full of young idealist future pastors and missionaries you can imagine that this poster did not go over well!

The reality is that no one attends Bible College or Seminary to become rich - its certainly atypical and some would say hypocritical to do so. Its and investment in the development of your skills specifically in the areas of understanding what God is saying through his Word, how that has played out through the history of the Church, what God is up to in culture and what He uniquely desires you to do about that. Its the development of skills that help people think theologically deep about what God is up to in this world.

But like one of my lead board members at a church I once pastored liked to say, "The pay's not so great, but the retirement plan is out of this world."

Blessing on your pursuit to follow God's will in your life.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Students Shaping Each Other's Ministry

For many, Introduction to Preaching is an intimidating class since it involves delivering sermons to fellow students! This is one of three preaching groups at Fuller in Sacramento this past spring on the last night of class, and they were happy to get to the end with their sanity intact! Actually, like many challenges in life, once your are prepared for and get to work on them, they are not as bad as first feared. In this class, because pretty much everyone is in the same position, students cheer each other on and provide a very positive and supportive atmosphere. Typically their is significant growth by just the second sermon and students take every chance to celebrate together. Preaching classes are among my favorite to work with.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Fuller Student From Sacramento Serving Children at Risk in Cambodia

© Chenyun Fan |
One of our Fuller Sacramento students is serving God in Cambodia right now, on a trip he has been preparing for quite some time. Daily he has been given updates, but as you can see from his Facebook posting below, the mission has become a bit overwhelming. Serving God can be emotionally overwhelming and requires tremendous dependence on God. Be praying for Chuck as God prompts you too.

Cambodia Day 7: It's hard to believe that we're nearly halfway done here. I'm choosing not to post a personal update today because my heart is heavy with sadness, and every day here my eyes bear witness to evil that my heart and mind simply cannot comprehend. This country and it's people need our prayers. Tonight I prayed this prayer. I would love to share it with you. Would you please pray with me:

Heavenly father, thank you for demonstrating what it means to be perfect in love, grace and mercy. Remind us all that your work being done in this world is not limited by borders or country lines. Your kingdom cannot and will not be defined by any man made map, for your kingdom is a heavenly kingdom, not of this world. The country and people of Cambodia are in desperate need of representatives to bring the truth and life of your word to spread your message of faith, hope and love. By the power of Christ that lives in me I denounce the power of Satan in Cambodia and declare spiritual warfare in the name of Jesus. Holy spirit rain down and flood Cambodia with your glory. Rebuild this country to give all glory and honor and praise back to you where it belongs, should it be in your will. In Jesus name. Amen.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Spending Time With Fuller Profs

Chap Clark and The Youth Outreach And Evangelism Class
Dr. Chap Clark regularly teaches a multi-site course and rotates teaching from each of the regional campuses the course is offered at. Here Chap is hanging out in the Fuller Sacramento library with the local Youth Outreach and Evangelism students, most of whom are youth pastors in the area. This particular class was being taught simultaneously in Seattle, Pasadena, Phoenix and Sacramento, utilizing High Definition cameras, multi-way microphones and large screen TVs. The technology allows us to bring in highly influential faculty members as well as more specialized classes focusing on specific areas of ministry.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Signs of the End of a Quarter

Its the week after Spring Quarter and the return shelf in the library is packed full of books. Even in our digital age there is something about books...reading them, studying them, quoting from them...that feels, well, scholarly! Especially these books. Here are commentaries on scripture, books on preaching and theology. There are books that explore how how scripture would have been interpreted by early middle eastern people, and books on differing global theological perspectives on the doctrines of the Holy Spirit and salvation. Together they weave a story of research, of understanding what God has been and is up to in the world, how various groups have interpreted that, and what it means for us in our day. These books represent a journey of understanding. Having served their role they wait to be re-shelved, re-discovered and re-used by the next wave of students on their journey.

Guess I better get them back on the shelf.